Why We Don’t Need Gun Control-Refutation View

Gun control is a highly controversial topic. When discussing the opposing sides, either pro or anti, the conversation can become heated. While researching anti-gun control arguments to try and better understand that point of view, I stumbled across a blog written by Justin A Perry. He makes three main points that I would like to discuss within this post. His stance is clear, anti-gun control and he believes the legalization of guns will do nothing to create a safer and more civilized society.

The first point that he makes is, people cannot be deprived of gun rights because it aids their source of food and will decrease their quality of life. Although many people do hunt to kill animals for consumption, we are not an underdeveloped country in which this is the main source of survival. A study conducted by Responsive Management, shows thatBig Time Texas Hunts over 60% of hunters hunt for sport, bonding, trophy or nature as opposed to the approximate 30% of people who hunt for meat. Also, people who hunt for meat do not claim that this is there one and only source of survival and without it they would die. While many people enjoy freshly hunted meat, it is not a matter of life or death but rather preference.

His second argument claims that just because things are illegal, it doesn’t mean they cannot be obtained. He puts this into the perspective of drugs. Of course, LSD, Cocaine and Heroin are all illegal drugs but can unfortunately be found on the streets of the United States. He then draws the comparison that guns will be found on the streets even if they are illegal. I believe this argument is weak. The drugs he listed above are highly addictive after just one use. If they were legal we would have a much larger epidemic of drugs than we currently do. Making drugs illegal acts as a deterrent. Although it may be possible to find it on the streets, because it is banned, a large number of people abstain from using. This relates to guns as well. If a gun is legal, it is more likely to be used by every day people but once it becomes illegal it will deter the general public from purchasing it. Deterrence theory relates to three concepts, swiftness, severeness and certainty. If anti-gun laws are written clearly and there is strong enforcement of those laws, many citizens will become deterred. This will decrease the overall amount of people who physically own guns. Thus in turn, decreasing the potential for gun violence.

His third argument claims that, guns are not unsafe in households. The only way for a child to get into possession of a gun is by explicitly giving them access or teach them about the gun itself. This argument is extremely false. I recently watched a documentary blurred view of a young girl (6-8) trying to pick up pistolcalled, Bully. It follows the lives of children who experience hardships at school. One girl, Ja’meye, was bullied so much that she found her mothers gun and brought it onto the school bus. She then attempted to shoot passengers but was luckily stopped in time. She now is in juvenile detention and will face most of her childhood behind bars. Her mother in the documentary claims she hid the gun and never spoke about the gun itself, where it was or how to operate it. This goes to show that Perry’s argument is not true. Just because we are not verbally teaching our kids about guns, their curious minds can get them into trouble. Children, in compromising situations, may turn to gun violence just like Ja’meye. The pure fact that her mother had that gun is what put Ja’meye behind bars and stripped her of her childhood. We are putting these weapons in front of our youth and presenting the opportunity to commit an act of violence.

Perry’s aggressive stance against gun control may excite others who agree with him but it is important to look at the facts of his arguments. With careful research and consideration it is clear that the anti-gun control claims are protecting a small group of people, those who enjoy guns, and harming the rest of the population. The presence of mass shootings and gun violence has gone too far. We need stricter laws relating to the ownership of guns.

Beware the Concern Trolls: The Nine Worst Arguments Against Gun Control

The gun control debate is filled with illogical support from anti gun control advocates. In an article published by Paste Magazine, written by Jacob Weindling, he discusses the nine worst arguments against gun control. Every time our country is mourning yet guncontrolmainanother mass murder is committed by a white man who has legally obtained a gun, this debate unfolds yet again. However, no progress is ever made in terms of gun control. About 90% of Americans support universal background checks, but that has yet to be enforced. According to Weindling, the main reason that no law enforcement is ever accomplished is because the 10% of Americans that are opposed to stricter gun control laws are way more committed to the cause than the rest of the country who support it. One of the most illogical arguments that Weindling mentions is an analogy of guns that are tools that can kill, compared to knives which are a tool that is not being banned. Anti- gun control advocates have yet to prove why gun restrictions will not work with concrete evidence. Their debate is always focused on our second Amendment right, and other arguments that do not seem viable to the debate issue, or the solution for our country.

It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them- An Affirmative View

For years, people have been expressing their view on gun control whether it be for or against. Similar to our blog, this New Republic article argues for more gun control in our country. This article was written after the San Bernardino mass shooting which led to 16 deaths and 24 non-fatal injuries. The stance of this pro-gun control argument is quite radical. It calls for the ban of all guns and not just certain types of guns being distributed to certain types of people. It is unethical to choose the people we believe will produce harm with a gun. The author exclaims that we cannot decide who we think should and should not own a gun but rather ban them all. There are two main arguments that coincide with the author’s beliefs on gun control. First, the interpretation of the second amendment is subject to change and second, the idea that an anti-gun position is racist.

Screen Shot 2017-10-26 at 5.55.06 PMThe first argument in regards to the second amendment, refers to the notion that the world is an ever-changing place. The way in which we interpreted this argument was simple. The constitution and the amendments within have been around for hundreds of years. The way inwhich the world functioned in 1791, when the 2nd amendment was ratified, is very different from the world we live in today. It is clear that laws can and should be interpreted differently over the course of history. With our changing lives, the laws in which we abide by should adapt and grow as we as a country do as well. So, although the we had the right to bear arms in 1791, is it safe to have the right today? Maybe not.

The second argument is a little more complex. It discusses the idea of being antior pro gun control in a cultural sense. Those who were raised in households or communities that did not support guns or gun ownership, tend to “look down” upon those own guns. We interpreted this as, you either grew up around guns oryou did not and depending on your upbringing, you will join the anti or pro side of gun control. Although there may be different levels of acceptance for guns in certain areas of the country it does not change the fact that people still physically own guns. Whether it is “culturally accepted” or not, people still have the power to shoot or harm themselves or others at any moment they desire, simply because they own a gun. A majority of mass shootings are committed by weapons that were obtained legally and by persons who had Screen Shot 2017-10-26 at 5.56.10 PMexperience with guns before the time of the shooting. Maybe the “over-acceptance” of guns can make a person more susceptible to committing a crime such as a mass shooting. This shows how a positive culture around guns can potentially have a negative impact on the country.

There are many arguments in favor of gun control but this article defined the basic reasons why people should not own guns. One, the law is outdated and two, people can be hurt or killed from a gun. It is that simple. We cannot experience more death and despair from armed men and women throughout this country. This article was written in 2015 and since then there have been hundreds of shootings leading to death or injury.